Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Response to Kesha's blog and my own Eureka moment - Week 2

Kesha --

I am what my daughter would call a "re-entry" college student. That just a nice way of saying - Mom, why are you going back to school? But life through me some curve balls in my twenties and here I am trying to get my teaching certificate as a single parent and a CCS student. I have a 28 year old married daughter with a baby (I was young when I had my children), an almost 26 year old daughter, and a 20 year old son that is living with me and attending Mercer.

Now, I consider myself a fairly open-minded parent, and I totally agree with your thoughts about not having to be married to be happy (and it's not because I'm divorced) - it just is. I'm always around my children - they see me sort of like a peer instead of just a mom - but we have our moments. My children almost tell me too much and I say -- "okay too much information" - but I like that they can talk to me.

My 26 year old is in a similar situation like you Kesha (unmarried and living with her boyfriend). It's been about two years. I have no problem with this -- I think it's good to get to know someone by living with them before you're married. My mother has a problem with this and would probably make the same statement to my daughter, as your aunt did (if I'd let her).

Now, for my Eureka moment.... before my daughter and boyfriend lived together - he shared a condo with some roommates. My daughter would visit him at his house and sleepover, after awhile, it was on a more regular basis. I'll never forget this conversation with my daughter -- I'm driving in the car talking on the phone (with my headset on, of course) and she says to me in a extremely happy way, like a kid that just got a brand new toy..... "Mom, you'll never believe this .. Adam gave me the key to his house!" Now, this is NOT the Eureka moment.... My response was... I said.... without hesitation..... "Congratulations, sweetie, that's great." At that instant, a shiver went down my spine and (luckily I was stopped at a light). My daughter said, "Mom are you alright?" I said, "yes honey, I just had a jolt, as to what my mother would've said if I told her that I was getting a key to my boyfriend's house!" Well, let's just say, it would not have been CONGRATULATIONS! Now, I know that if my mother had a son -- it would have been a different story. -- But her daughter being over her boyfriend's house without parental supervision - let alone - having a key! So, I don't know if I'm ahead of my time -- because some of my friends think that my daughter should be married and I'm crazy to "let" my 26 year old daughter live with her boyfriend -- why is it that parents in general think that their boys can "get away" with things like this - but not the girls?

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Robin's Blog

My name is Robin Davis, a student enrolled in Gender and Communication course at Rider University.  I am working through CCS to eventually receive my teaching certificate.  I hope to enjoy doing this on line course - although there is a lot technical things I am not sure how to do.