Thursday, June 4, 2009

Response to Joan Eureka moment - Week 3

Joan --

You can't blame yourself -- everyone at one time or another gets preconceived feelings about a person. It might be an inflection in their voice. How well they speak or even from the clothes they wear. You can think that person lives in the Princeton area because they sound "snotty" or those jeans are dirty and ripped - they probably live in one of those run down apartments in Plainsboro. Appearances can be deceiving. The old adage that "you can't judge a book by it's cover is so true. Males and females can give off different vibes. There is a girl in the school I work in; she's a 4th grader, dresses always in pants and has short hair. She doesn't have a "feminine face" - I said to the child something or another on the playground and then said to one of the aides that boy is tall for a 45h grader. She informed me -- it was a girl. Thanks goodness I didn't say anything to the child!

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