Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Response to Taryn - Week 5


This is ironic, I was having a similar conversation with my son about this issue, just a few days' ago. He is almost 21 (which is scary in itself). We started talking about him starting to "legally drink" and the responsible that comes with reaching this age. Even though 18 is the legal age for some things in this state. Once you turn 21 and do something illegal or whayou you might think is just dumb - you can legally be in BIG trouble once you are 21. This is how the conversation started. He has a girlfriend, (more of a friend). So, I gave him this scenario. "Let's say you get romantically involved with Allie and she gets pregnant, what would you do?" Now we are not overly religious in our faith and my children know that I would give advice, but ultimately have them make their own decisions and choices. So, my son's response was simply, "I would marry her and she'd have the baby." With this, I played "devil's advocate" and said, What if she didn't want to marry you or have the baby, what would you do?" This was a mute point because he felt that they were so close as friends that they would be able to work things out and come to a joint solution. Which is what I would hope he would do. I think that is the best way to deal with this situation. Is it ultimately the woman's choice, legally, I think so, it is her body and if I'm not mistaken up to a certain time is allowed to have an abortion even without parental consent, let alone the alleged father's consent which is an issue in itself. Unless he gets a court order to claim paternity, how does he know that the child is actually his to say you can't have an abortion. This is a unclear topic. Like I said, two people should discuss and decide what is best for all in the situation. Anyway, that's my opinion.

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