Monday, June 8, 2009

Response to Taryn's Eureka Moment - Week 4


I do understand your point. Yes, there's is a BUT. I know that you are probably not in a situation to become a parent. But believe it or not, people are putting off having babies especially these days, because they can't afford even though they want a child (and with some people "time" is an issues). My daughter had a baby last year; and it was difficult for her to put her baby into child care at six weeks because she could not afford to be with her child any longer because she would not be compensated and had to return to work. I had to leave my son in a child care center at 18 months and it was difficult. Just to let you know that I was teaching at that same center in another room (the only way, I could work and have child care - my son went tuition free) and it was still hard. I feel that it's a good thing that mothers and fathers get 12 weeks paid maternity/paternity leave. Do you realize that means leaving your child when he/she is just 3 months' old? I would see 3 month olds at the center and think, how can these parents leave their children at such a young age? So, Taryn -- sorry I don't agree with you. By the way, this is something that the State of NJ has promoted - not just your corporation.


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